Animals love unconditionally…don’t they deserve the same?
Posted 21st January 2025Love is in the air as Valentine’s draws nearer, but perhaps the purest love isn’t that between two people, but between pet and owner. Sammy Jones found out how Little Irchester charity Animals in Need (AIN) will toast the mushy day…
Animals love unconditionally; they don’t base their opinions of us on looks, but by how safe and loved they feel.
They don’t cheat, and even if they do get the needle with our human behaviour, an upset pooch or kitty still looks much cuter than a partner with the hump, don’t you think?
Unfortunately though, what you give isn’t always what you get – and there are cages full of abandoned pets in residence at Animals in Need who, if they could talk, would spill stories to break your heart.
“You might think that you would become desensitized to the stories and the cases that we receive here, but you don’t,” Annie Marriott, AIN manager, told Pulse, “Every time we receive a new case it pulls at the heartstrings because behind every story is an animal; scared, confused and alone and sometimes they have been abused – physically or otherwise. Your senses never dull to those moments. In some ways, regretfully, because cases like that really leave their mark with the staff and volunteers – it’s not an easy thing to surround yourself with, day after day.”
But for all the heartbreak that threads through the animal sanctuary, there is always much more love. The animals come first and while they are on site, their welfare is our utmost concern, of course.
“Time and again we are tasked with ‘fixing’ animals that have been broken by humans, so we see the very worst of things, but also, when recovery is complete, the very best, too.”
This being the month of hearts and flowers, Animals in Need is appealing to anyone wanting to find their perfect love match to pop along to its Pine Farm base to see if hearts flutter as eyes meet through the cage bars!
“It might sound silly and sloppy, but looking for an animal is a different sort of dating; you want to know that the animal will suit your lifestyle, enrich your life and provide you with love and affection. And in return, you need to reciprocate.
“We’re celebrating Valentine’s Day all month long – because one day simply isn’t enough!” Annie said, “Perhaps you have lost a treasured member of your animal family and are looking to open up your home to another animal, or maybe you are looking for that first pet.
“We would ask anyone thinking of extending their family to adopt from us – please stay clear of unscrupulous breeders and rehome instead. These beautiful little souls all yearn for a spot where they can cosy up to a loving owner… somewhere they feel safe and secure.
“Come and visit, and we’ll help you to find that special four-legged addition – our pens and kennels are full of animals wondering, ‘What am I doing here?’ and they are all deserving of so much more. You can give them their lives back, and in return they will truly enrich yours,” Annie promised.
Lonely hearts…
A focus on a few of those AIN animals needing new homes…
For a change, we’ll start with a good new story! If there was a song written about Honey and Chester, it would’ve been a heartbreaking ballad.
This bonded older couple recently spent their second Christmas in kennels at Animals in Need.
“They came to us as their family could no longer give them what they needed,” Annie said, “All of our volunteers adored them, but for some reason they received very little interest, which was so sad.”
And then Sharon Paulger and her family stepped in…
“Our biggest motivation was the amount of time they had been in kennels – they had been there for so long,” said Sharon. Her family’s own rescue dog, Daisy, had gone over the rainbow bridge a year prior, and they decided the time was right to give another pooch a home.
“We weren’t sure about two though! But when we saw AIN’s post about Honey and Chester, we decided to go for it; a new year and a new start for them, and they have settled in very well. Honey is now in charge of all of us!” Sharon laughed.
With the two dogs being seniors, inevitably heartbreak will come sooner, but Sharon didn’t see that as a valid reason to overlook the pair, and besides there are positives to be taken: “As older dogs they are a little bit quieter, and we don’t have to worry about them chewing furniture or other problems that having a puppy might bring – although we are still getting used to each other, I’m sure they will become a little bit naughtier in time!”
Of course, AIN are thrilled to have said goodbye to Honey and Chester, in the nicest sense.
“Theyʼve had their own little love match, and now they have finally found their perfect match in a new family,” Annie added, “We are made up for them all.”
Phil Collins once sang, ‘You canʼt hurry love,ʼ and he wasnʼt joking – AIN is currently struggling with an influx of tortoises all seeking new homes. There are nine of the slow moving little hard shells.
“We have Sulcata, Spur-Thighed, Hermann and Horsefield tortoises, and they have come to us for many different reasons – some have arrived as unchipped strays, others because people simply canʼt afford to keep them, and weʼve some where people have been unable to take them when they are moving home, so theyʼve been handed in here with us, too.
“There are some neglect cases, including our two latest additions. It wasnʼt even wilful negligence – whoever had them simply didnʼt know what they were doing, sadly, and the suffering was completely unavoidable.”
Could you be the person to take on one (or some) of these beautiful creatures and erm, bring them out of their shells?!
Bleu and Blossom are a beautiful pair of puddy-tats who have been resident in the AIN cattery for more than a year, and desperately want the purr-fect home.
“Bleu and his sister are three years old and we will rehome them together,” Annie told Pulse, “They will be fine to live with another friendly kitty and sensible children, but are terrified of dogs.
“Whoever is lucky enough to adopt these puss-kins will need a nice, safe garden well away from any busy roads.”
Could you give Honey & Chester or Bleu & Blossom their purr-fect homes? Would you work slowly, but steadily with a tortoise who may well outlive you?
To find out more about these animals in need, please email or visit their website.