Remembrance Sunday to be marked in Northampton with military parade and service
Posted 10th November 2023
Remembrance Sunday will be marked in Northampton with a large military parade and church service in the town centre on 12th November.
The parade, arranged by Northampton Town Council and the Royal British Legion, is set to start from Derngate at 9.30am, then follow a route onto St Giles’ Square, along Wood Hill and down Mercers Row, pausing for the Service of Remembrance at All Saints’ Church, between 10 and 10.45am.
Following the service, a wreath-laying ceremony will take place at 10.45am in the Town and County War Memorial garden behind the church on Wood Hill, with the playing of the Last Post and a two-minute silence observed at 11am. The memorial garden will remain open for the public to lay wreaths and pay their respects.
At 11.45am the parade will re-assemble and march past the Guildhall to salute the Lord-Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, Mr James Saunders Watson Esq and the Mayor of Northampton, before continuing along St Giles’ Street, onto Castilian Street and ending on Derngate.
The Mayor of Northampton, Cllr Stephen Hibbert, said: “Remembrance Sunday is a nationwide opportunity to honour the service and sacrifice of all those who defend our freedoms and protect our way of life.
“Everyone is welcome to attend the parade and service, to show their appreciation for these selfless individuals and to remember the fallen.”
The Service of Remembrance will include hymns and prayers, along with a collection for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal.
The Reverend Oliver Coss, Rector of All Saints’ Church, said: “Although many towns and cities will hold Remembrance Services this weekend, Northampton’s is surely one of the most moving and most spectacular.
“At a time when international security and conflict is so concerningly present in the news, this event provides an important opportunity not only to honour those who have offered their lives in service, but to recall the preciousness of peace and renew our prayers for the welfare of the world.”
Serving personnel, cadets and veterans will form the parade, which will be headed up by the 5F Northampton Squadron Air Training Corps band, along with standard bearers and association representatives including the Royal British Legion. They will be joined by the 103 FS Battalion REME 118 CS Company, HMS Laforey Sea Cadets, uniformed organisations and youth organisations, including the Scouts and local community groups.
Phil York, Chairman of the Northampton Royal British Legion, said: “Over 500 participants are set to march in the parade, so it will be a very momentous occasion.
“We encourage people to come along, to support the RBL and wear your poppy with pride, on what will be a very special day for us all.”
The service will also be live streamed via the All Saints’ Church Facebook and YouTube channels, at or
Due to the parade, the following roads will be closed between 8.30 – 9.30am and 12 – 1pm on Sunday, 12th November:
Abington Square, Billing Road, Clare Street, Derngate, Earl Street, Military Road, Robert Street, Spencer Parade, St Edmund’s Road, St Giles Street, St Giles Terrace to The Riding’s Junction, Upper Mounts across intersection to Lower Mounts and York Road.
Parking bays will also be suspended on Spencer Parade, St Giles’ Street and Derngate during these times.
In addition, due to the parade, the following roads will be closed and their parking bays suspended from 8am – 12.30pm on Sunday, 12th November:
Bridge Street, Castilian Street, Castilian Terrace, Derngate, George Row, Gold Street, Guildhall Road, Mercers Row, The Ridings/Dychurch Lane (just after carpark), St Giles’ Street from Hazelwood Road, St Giles’ Square, The Drapery and Woodhill.