Lamport Hall Preservation Trust launches its 50th Anniversary Exhibition and catalogue during landmark year

Posted 14th May 2024

Saturday 27 April saw the official launch of the anniversary exhibition at Lamport Hall with trustees and staff past and present as well as those connected to Lamport and the county of Northamptonshire in attendance. Short addresses were given by Mark Herrod, Executive Director, and Sir Richard Isham, Chair of Trustees and descendent of the Isham family, before visitors were given the opportunity to explore the new exhibition, which includes the glorious restored Alpine Garden, supported by the Finnis Scott Foundation.

The exhibition includes brand new interpretation which delves deeper into the Preservation Trust which has operated at Lamport for the past 50 years. It looks at the life of Sir Gyles Isham and explains the foresight he had to create the Trust in 1974 to ensure the safe future of his family home for many generations to come. There are interactive elements to the exhibition, including a screening of the 1930s Hollywood film starring Sir Gyles alongside Greta Garbo, oral histories played through a gramophone in the Drawing Room and a memory book and board, to explore.

A catalogue has also been produced and launched alongside the exhibition which includes contributions from those actively involved in Lamport in the past 50 years as well as academics and experts in their field, taking a closer look at why Lamport is so important and why it was crucial to save it, in its time of need.

Mark Herrod, Executive Director, said “The Lamport Trust was the first of its kind, pioneered by Sir Gyles Isham. In our fiftieth year, we are grateful for his foresight to establish the precedent of a private charitable preservation trust which has since been used to help secure the future of numerous historic houses and properties around the country. In our case that means that our team can present to the public a wonderful country house with fantastic furniture, books, art, culture and architecture, almost entirely self-financed. We look forward to offering visitors of all ages a unique ‘Lamport welcome’.”

There are a number of events planned to mark the 50th anniversary of the Trust including the King West Country Club Cocktail Party, a study day with eminent historians and a performance by the Oxford University Dramatic Society of Dr Faustus.

The exhibition can be viewed every Wednesday and Thursday until the end of October. The catalogue can be purchased on site or by contacting the Estate Office.

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