Hello Flowers
Posted 11th July 2024
Northampton is beginning to bloom…
Around 500 beautiful hanging baskets and planters are now installed in Northampton town centre and the surrounding wards, bringing a splash of summer colour to the urban streets.
This annual planting scheme, known as ‘Northampton in Bloom’, is coordinated by Northampton Town Council and includes community-led and sustainable planting initiatives, such as using peat-free compost and perennial flowers, which will grow back year after year.
The council’s Climate Change Forum has led the way on introducing these sustainable planters, selecting plants not only for their sustainability, but also for their biodiversity value in attracting bees and providing a habitat for insects and birds.
An example of this planting can be seen in the recently restored St Katherine’s Gardens in Northampton town centre, where forum members worked with the Northampton BID and volunteers from local organisations including the Royal British Legion, to plant beds with a mix of evergreen and deciduous shrubs.
The town council has also funded several community groups through its Bloom and Councillor grant schemes, helping them to enhance green spaces such as public gardens and church yards in their neighbourhoods.
In 2025, the town council will enter the East Midlands in Bloom competition. Community groups are welcome to be part of this and can contact the council if they have a planting project they would like to include.
This summer also sees the re-introduction of the Wellness Walk around Abington Park, where visitors can follow a trail of boards amongst the park’s flower beds, each featuring a different uplifting wellbeing quote written by local poet James McInerey.
For information on Northampton in Bloom, including a trail map, and to find out more about the Climate Change Forum, please visit www.northamptontowncouncil.gov.uk
In other news, Bands in the Park performances continue at the Abington Park Bandstand every Sunday between 2 – 5pm. This month’s performances are:
7th July – Moulton 77 Brass Band
14th July – Brackley & District Band
21st July – City of Coventry Brass
28th July – Nene Valley
Community Band.
And the Northampton Pride Parade and Festival takes place on Saturday, 13th July from 11am – 6pm at the Northampton University Waterside Campus. Visit Facebook for more information.